Tips To Improve Your Vocabulary

There are many languages which are spoken all over the world. To have good communication skills, a person must have good command over the language. It is highly beneficial for language learners to independently teach themselves new English vocabulary. By expanding your vocabulary it’s more likely that you will be able to understand, and contribute to, the conversations going on around you. People want to have good command over the language, but they never know which the best way to accomplish their requirement is. People often get confused about how to learn or best ways to learn vocabulary words fast and effectively.

Creating habits to help you learn and use the most accurate words in your language will make it easier to communicate, write, and think. Continue reading after the jump for more specific tips about building your vocabulary. Some people learn best by listening, others learn best by writing. You can’t know which learning tips and methods will work best for you until you know which kind of learner you are.  Once you figure that out, you are ready to start really learning!

Vocabulary acts as a strong basis for any language. You cannot be good at any language if you lack proper vocabulary. If you want to learn any language fluently then you need to get a strong grip on vocabulary.

Learn it as much as possible by following the tips mentioned below:

  • Practice SWR(Speak, Write, Read)
  • Try to learn as many new words as possible
  • Find better and new sources that can help you learn
  • Try flashcards
  • Make use of internet
  • Understand where to use which word

Talk to yourself whenever possible:

People who want to learn a new language, do not know the new words and they don’t have any idea as to how to fill the gaps in between. Whenever a person wants to learn a new language, then he should continuously talk to himself about various things like what he likes or what he wants to be and so on.

Read voraciously:

Once you leave school, you won’t get word drills and homework assignments that force you to learn new words. It can be easy to stop reading. If you want to build your vocabulary, try reading one new book a week, or reading the newspaper every morning. Pick a frequency and pace that works for you, and develop a reading routine that fits into your schedule. Try to read at least one book and several magazines every week. Be consistent.

Read online magazines, essays, and blogs on a variety of subjects. Read record reviews and fashion blogs.

Look up any words you don’t recognize:

When you see an unfamiliar word, do not skip over it impatiently. Try to puzzle out its possible meaning in the context of the sentence, then look it up in the dictionary and confirm its definition. Consider keeping a small notebook with you and quickly jot down unknown words as you come across them for checking later. If you hear or see a word you don’t know, be sure to look it up.

Write down all the points which you want to remember:

One of the best ways to memorize things is to make a list of all the things that a person wants to remember. By maintaining the list the person can have his own pocket dictionary and he can carry it wherever he wants to.

Try to improve the context skills:

People always make use of context section whenever they are introduced to a new word. While a person reads or writes, always pay attention to the usage of the words. This will allow a person to know the correct usage of the word and will remember it for lifelong.

Set a goal:

If you’re committed to building your vocabulary, set a goal for yourself. Try to learn three new words a week and work them into your speech and writing. If you’re easily learning three words a week, start upping the ante. Try to learn ten words next week. Looking up 20 new words a day in the dictionary will make it difficult to use any of them accurately. Be realistic and build practical vocabulary that you’ll be able to use.

Use flashcards or post-it notes around your house:

If you’re going to make a habit of learning new words, try some simple memorization techniques as if you were studying for a test. Even if you’re watching TV or doing other activities, keep some flashcards with you and study your new words. Always is building.

Use accurate adjectives and precise nouns:

The best writers aim for concision and accuracy. Get out the thesaurus and use the most accurate word possible in your sentences. Don’t use three words when one will do. For instance, the phrase “dolphins and whales” can be replaced with the word “cetaceans,” making “cetaceans” a useful word.

A person should set realistic goals for himself:

Generally, on average a person can remember only 10 words that he learns at a time. So, try to set goals that are realistic rather than goals which are difficult to achieve. Even if a person sets higher goals for himself, then he has to put in extra efforts which may sometimes become an overburden.

Learning any language is a task when done in a boring way, but when done in an interesting way it becomes fun.

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